Pieter Jan Kuijper has been Professor of the Law of International (Economic) Organizations at the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Netherlands, during 2007-2014. Currently he is Professor without chair at that Faculty and continues to teach and do research there. Prior to his appointment at the UvA, he was principal Legal Advisor and Director of the ‘External Relations and International Trade’ team of the Legal Service of the European Commission (2002-2007) and Director of the Legal Affairs Division of the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (1999-2002). He is editor-in-chief of Legal Issues of Economic Integration and one of the editors of the Journal of International Economic Law. He also serves on the advisory board of the Common Market Law Review and of the International Organizations Law Review, and is an active member of various learned societies. He lectured at The Hague Academy of International Law (2015) on “Delegation in International Organizations.”
His most recent book publications are: The Law of EU External Relations. Cases, Materials, and Commentary on the EU as an International Actor, Oxford University Press, 2nd ed. 2015 (with Jan Wouters, Frank Hoffmeister, Geert de Baere and Thomas Ramopoulos) and From Treaty-Making to Treaty-Breaking. Models for ASEAN External Trade Agreements, Cambridge University Press 2015 (with James H. Mathis and Nathalie Y. Morris-Sharma).